Spring Creativity Camp: Ancient Art

March 24 – March 28


Monday-Friday, March 24-28.  9:00am – 12:00pm

Join us at the Lake Mansion for a Spring Creativity Camp where children will explore the mystery and complexity of ancient art! How did people make art before the advent of modern art supplies and methods? What inspired people to make art in ancient times? These questions will be answered through the course of the week, and kids will get to recreate some of the methods and movements of ancient times!

Dress comfortably for artistic exploration!

Ages: 6-10

All supplies included. A midmorning snack will be provided. Please note any dietary restrictions.

Instructor: Anastassia Manoussova

The camp will be held in the Classroom, on the ground floor of the Lake Mansion. Park in our free lot off Arlington Avenue and walk down the ramp. 

Refund & Cancellation Policy

Lake Mansion Arts & Cultural Center

250 Court St. & Arlington Ave.
Reno, 89501 United States

775-826-6100 ext. 2#

13 Seats Available!

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